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Fossil Finders #3: Triassic Trouble

Fossil Finders #3: Triassic Trouble

Armed with a magical watch from Norus, the guardian of the prehistoric exhibit at the Singapore Science Museum, Samuel and Anna get transported backto the time of the dinosaurs. However, Samuel is hiding a secret that will endanger the lives of those closest to him: a triceratops egg he brought back from the past has hatched. Samuel is hiding a real, live baby triceratops in his room...

  • Product info

    ISBN: 978-981-11-2821-9

    Extent: 136 pp

    Format: Paperback

  • Author/illustrator info

    Andy Chua is a 3D artist and freelance designer and writer. He has been collecting fossils since he was 20 and now owns over 450 fossil specimens. As a pioneer member of Singapore Fossils Collectors, he is regularly invited to give talks on dinosaurs and prehistoric life.


    Ray Ong is a motion graphics designer. She enjoys drawing and instant film photography.

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